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What is premature ejaculation? Symptoms, causes and treatment

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Premature ejaculation is not a fun topic of conversation for most men. This is not a surprise, as a lot of people can feel embarrassed if they have this problem and try to find ways to fix it on their own. Fortunately, there are treatment options, many of which depend on the cause. Here we go deeper into the details.

What is premature ejaculation?

At present, premature ejaculation does not have an official definition, but here are some of the ones that have been suggested:

  • Ejaculation, which occurs within a minute of penetration.
  • Inability to delay ejaculation.
  • Personal stress or frustration from time to time.

How common is this?

According to the survey, around 31% of men between the ages of 18 and 59 think they ejaculate prematurely during sex (which can be premature ejaculation). Some researchers estimate that far fewer men (only around 5%) actually experience premature ejaculation, but this is still a whole new area of research.

What causes premature ejaculation?

There are ideas on what can cause premature ejaculation, but none have been confirmed. Some researchers point to anxiety during sex, very sensitive penile nerves, and abnormal levels of hormones (such as serotonin) necessary for an erection. Interestingly, we know that men who have problems with erectile dysfunction can also have problems with premature ejaculation. Other possible causes of premature ejaculation are thyroid problems, prostatitis, obesity, and stress.

Erectile Dysfunction vs. Premature Ejaculation: What’s the Difference?

It’s easy to confuse erectile dysfunction (ED) with premature ejaculation, but there are two different issues. If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation may develop due to the anxiety that accompanies erectile dysfunction. You may be worried about losing your erection; this in itself can make you ejaculate too fast. Similarly, premature ejaculation is often confused with erectile dysfunction. If you ejaculate prematurely, it is normal for the penis to swell after ejaculation. Noted.

The best way to deal with the problem you are having is to clearly tell your doctor what is going on during ejaculation. This includes talking about any problem with your erection, how long you ejaculate, and whether you have control over the way you ejaculate.

Treatment of premature ejaculation

There are drug treatments and treatments for premature ejaculation. The final choice is usually based on the severity of the problem and whether it is caused by another condition (such as hormonal imbalance or prostate issues).

Non-pharmacological treatments

Non-drug premature ejaculation therapy works by shortening ejaculation times and preventing premature ejaculation in about 50% of all men who try them. These treatments include counseling and the practice of specific sexual habits and techniques. If anxiety or depression is a major cause of premature ejaculation, behavior therapy can also help. Your healthcare provider can help you understand a variety of personal strategies to help you cope with premature ejaculation and give you advice on what to try before using the medication.


Unfortunately, no drug in the United States has yet been specifically approved for the treatment of premature ejaculation. The FDA is currently considering a drug used overseas for premature ejaculation: dapoxetine. Clinical studies have shown that dapoxetine helps with premature ejaculation and may be available in the US market in the future.

Everyone knows that premature ejaculation is frustrating. Many men who suffer from premature ejaculation have a normal sexual appetite, so it can be embarrassing, disturbing, and depressing when sexual performance is limited. Men often try to resolve the problem on their own and may seek help much later. It is estimated that 78% of these men do not need a doctor at all.

If you suffer from premature ejaculation, it is important that you talk to your partner and caregiver to find out what may be the cause. There is no “one size fits all” treatment for premature ejaculation, and it can take a while to find something that’s right for you. But as we’ve seen, there are some effective treatment options out there, so it may be worth your while.