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Erectile dysfunction: the 10 most common causes

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The essentials

Erectile dysfunction, commonly known as erectile dysfunction, is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection necessary to satisfy sexual performance. It affects approximately 18 million men in the United States alone. Although erectile dysfunction can affect men of all ages after puberty, it is more common in men over 40 and increases more frequently with each passing decade.

The most common question that men ask themselves in any form of erectile dysfunction is “Why is this happening to me?” »Even if your doctor or healthcare professional is the only one who can really answer this question (after reading, examining and performing various tests). Here is a guide to the most common causes or risks of erectile dysfunction in most patients. .

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Christina Aungst, PharmD, RPh, is a licensed community chemist in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. He has many years of experience advocating for patients and helping patients in the most personal circumstances. In addition to writing for GoodRx, she is the author and editor of

Do you have erectile dysfunction?
All men, regardless of their age, can suffer from erectile dysfunction. Sometimes it’s temporary and sometimes erectile dysfunction is a more permanent condition. It all depends on the cause (or causes!) Of erectile dysfunction.

Top 10 Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

1) age

As with many health problems, erectile dysfunction becomes more common with age. Although 2-12% of men over 40 suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction, this percentage increases with every decade of life. In fact, more than half of men over 70 have symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

2) Sedentary lifestyle and obesity

I know. You probably already know that being overweight is bad for your health. But did you know that being overweight causes your body to convert testosterone into estrogen? This is one of the reasons why researchers believe that obesity and a sedentary lifestyle (little or no exercise, choice of junk food, etc.) can lead to erectile dysfunction problems.

Fortunately, this is a reversible problem. With the right support, you can lose weight and start exercising more. When you do this, you will probably notice that the erection improves and lasts longer. However, always consult your health care provider before starting any diet or exercise program.

3) diabetes

Diabetes is a damning diagnosis for many reasons, and unfortunately erectile dysfunction is one of the health issues that a man with diabetes often has to live with. The longer you have had diabetes (type 1 or type 2), the more likely you are to have erectile dysfunction.

But the good news is that the way you control your blood sugar actually affects your risk for erectile dysfunction. It is estimated that 2-12% of all 40-year-old men suffer from erectile dysfunction, but that proportion will jump to 50% if you only look at those with high blood sugar. Erectile dysfunction caused by diabetes isn’t always a completely reversible problem, but you can definitely improve it or increase the likelihood if you follow your doctor’s advice for controlling your blood sugar.

4) Heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol

Erectile dysfunction actually has an interesting relationship with a man’s heart health. It has long been known that things like high blood pressure and high cholesterol can cause erectile dysfunction. However, new research has shown that when healthy men develop erectile dysfunction, many of them end up with heart disease less than 5 years later. Therefore, if you have erectile dysfunction and no other health problem, you may want your doctor to examine your heart. Detecting warning signs early can help prevent heart disease.

5) smoke

Smoking and other uses of tobacco are associated with many health problems, including erectile dysfunction. Smoking tobacco reduces blood flow throughout the body. These include the blood vessels in a man’s penis. If the blood supply to them decreases, it will be much more difficult for you to get and maintain an erection. Fortunately, it is reversible. If you stop smoking, you will notice that your erection will improve.

6) side effects of drugs

There are a number of prescription and over the counter medications that can contribute to or cause erectile dysfunction. These include some antidepressants, some blood pressure medications, some antihistamines, some acid reflux medications, and opioid pain relievers. This list is not exhaustive, so if you have an erection problem and have recently started taking a new medication, ask your pharmacist or prescriber if these two relationships may be related.

Remember that alcohol and drug abuse (including marijuana) can also cause erection problems.

7) mental issues and performance anxiety

You’ve probably heard the expression “mind over matter” before. When it comes to erectile dysfunction, your brain plays an important role in your ability to get and maintain an erection. If you’re stressed or struggling with your mental health, your brain may have trouble making nerve connections and releasing hormones that cause erections. Examples of these stressors include things like depression, anxiety, relationship problems, pain, watching pornography, and even anxiety about exercising in the bedroom (eg. first glance, the nerves). These are manageable and potentially reversible with appropriate support or treatment.

8) Inflammation of the prostate and prostate cancer

It’s no surprise that a diseased prostate can lead to erectile dysfunction. The prostate is responsible for the production of one of the components of semen. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) does not cause erectile dysfunction, but the drugs used to treat it can. On the other hand, chronic prostatitis or prostate cancer can lead to painful ejaculation and erection problems. Talk to your doctor if you have prostate problems and erectile dysfunction.

9) Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

A common question for men is whether sexually transmitted infections (formerly STDs) can lead to erectile dysfunction. The short answer is yes. Some sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, untreated HIV and viral hepatitis, can sometimes cause prostate infections. If this happens, you could have symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

In most cases, if you treat a prostate infection and take steps to control the STI, any erectile dysfunction problem will be resolved as well. However, if the prostate infection is left untreated, it can cause permanent damage, so it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible.

10) low testosterone

It is estimated that 1 in 4 men have lower than normal testosterone levels, also known as T. low. Low T causes all types of health problems in men, including hair loss, insomnia, poor sex drive, and erectile dysfunction. The lower the testosterone level, the more symptoms you may experience. This is very easy to identify with a simple blood test and can be checked with medication. When testosterone levels return to normal, most men will notice that their erectile dysfunction symptoms improve or go away altogether.


Although these are the most common causes of erectile dysfunction, some men can experience erectile dysfunction for other reasons. Be aware that there are several treatment options, regardless of the cause, including known drugs such as sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis). The hardest thing for most people is to start a conversation with their doctor. But working with a healthcare professional, you can find a treatment that’s right for you and helps you get back to that part of your life. There is an answer for almost everyone.