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Diabetes and erectile dysfunction: what you need to know

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How are diabetes and erectile dysfunction related?

Diabetes is on the increase in the United States and is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. Diabetic patients not only need to control their blood sugar to avoid long-term health problems (such as kidney damage, eye damage, nerve and heart pain), but they also have problems that affect their lives. in a more emotional way, eg. like. problem. with or maintains an erection which may affect your sex life.

In men, type 1 and type 2 diabetes can lead to an increased risk of erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction in the short term. According to one study, the risk is 50% higher in men with diabetes than in men without diabetes, regardless of the type of diabetes they have. While many men can develop erectile dysfunction as they age, diabetics can develop erectile dysfunction 5 to 10 years earlier than most.

It is important to note that erectile dysfunction can be linked to insufficient blood flow to the penis (vessels), emotional problems such as depression (psychological) or nerve problems in the penis (neurological). Diabetes can cause or worsen these problems. Hence, diabetic patients suffering from erectile dysfunction tend to find the problem to worsen gradually.

Current medical knowledge has identified several probable causes in diabetic patients in particular.

Vascular damage: Diabetes means there is more sugar (glucose) in the blood, which can damage small blood vessels (called microvascular disease). This leads to kidney damage, vision loss, and nerve pain. But damage to the small blood vessels in the penis also makes it difficult to get and maintain an erection. Therefore, erectile dysfunction is worse in men with long-term uncontrolled diabetes. Men with diabetes and high blood pressure may also see an increased risk of erectile dysfunction due to the increased damage to the vessels in the penis.

Low Testosterone Levels – An estimated 25% of men with diabetes have low testosterone levels. Because testosterone has a major effect on sexual function in men, low testosterone can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Depression – Many men with diabetes can experience depression or anxiety due to the stress of serious illness. Depression can lead to various erection problems. One example is lack of sleep, which causes the loss of morning movements (“morning drink”), which is natural in healthy men. Anxiety can cause men to suddenly lose their erection during sex or have difficulty getting an erection.

Side Effects of Medication: Many men with diabetes are treated with various medications to reduce the risk of heart problems or diabetes complications. Some of these drugs can also cause erectile dysfunction by lowering blood pressure or causing other side effects that make it harder to get an erection.

How Can I Manage Erectile Dysfunction If I Have Diabetes?

Because diabetic patients often have many other health concerns in mind, it is not possible to make a single recommendation for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. However, there are several options you can consider.

Lifestyle changes

The treatment of diabetes is due to lifestyle changes, many of which not only help lower blood sugar levels, but can also strengthen the body and reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. Clinical studies have shown that better blood sugar control improves erection and reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Stop smoking: Smoking increases the risk of erectile dysfunction by increasing blood pressure, which can damage the small blood vessels in the penis over time. It’s even worse with diabetes, which in itself can damage your blood vessels.

Reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol in your diet: Research has shown that men with high cholesterol are at an increased risk of erectile dysfunction and that dietary changes aimed at lowering fat and cholesterol levels may help. reduce the risk.

Exercise and Weight Loss: Weight loss is important for overweight or obese diabetic men because it can help lower blood sugar and increase blood circulation. These improvements can also help with erectile dysfunction. In clinical trials, weight loss has been an important way to restore sexual function in many men.

Stress reduction: Diabetes can lead to mental problems such as depression or anxiety which can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction through mental stress. Overcoming stress can be achieved in several ways, such as meditation or counseling.

Medication options

If your doctor or health care professional decides that you have erectile dysfunction and that it is not the result of another health problem, they may prescribe one or more medicines to help you. Most of them work by helping to increase blood flow to the penis.

Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil) or Levitra (vardenafil): These drugs help with erection by increasing blood flow to the penis. Each of these drugs has its advantages and disadvantages. A detailed comparison of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra can be found here.

Caverject (alprostadil): This medicine is injected directly into the penis to cause an erection. It works over 70% of the time, but due to the need to insert a needle into the penis, most men prefer to take medication by mouth. Unlike previous medications, Caverject does not require sexual stimulation to achieve an erection and usually works immediately.

Muse (alprostadil): Instead of an injection, Muse is inserted into the urethra 5-10 minutes before sex and causes an erection that can last for about an hour.

Testosterone Treatment: In men who have low testosterone, testosterone replacement therapy can be used to increase sexual desire and treat erectile dysfunction. However, since testosterone treatment is known to cause heart problems, and diabetes also increases the risk of heart problems, this is something you should carefully consider with your doctor and monitor closely.

Mechanical treatments

If diabetes is causing problems with blood flow to the penis, there are a variety of devices that can help increase blood flow, especially for those who don’t respond to medication. These include vacuum assisted erection devices, which essentially pump blood to the penis to induce an erection and work in 2 out of 3 men. Another more invasive treatment is prosthetic surgery. Here, a prosthesis is inserted into the penis, which can be inflated whenever intercourse is desired. Unlike drugs, these facilities are a one-time expense, although the decision ultimately depends on personal preference.

Other considerations

Since diabetes can cause erectile dysfunction in several ways, talk to your doctor about your treatment plan. There are many online resources that can recommend alternative treatments or stop certain medications you are taking. While you may want to consider these options, you should talk to your doctor before making any sudden changes to avoid dangerous health effects or worsen your erectile dysfunction. After all, sex is often an intimate interaction with your partner, and when battling erectile dysfunction it can be frustrating, it’s important that you and your partner feel supported. If you think this can be helpful, consider seeking counseling or support groups together.