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How to know if you have erectile dysfunction

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Erections are an important part of physical and mental health. Blood vessels, nerves, hormones and psychological factors contribute to a healthy erection. When there is a problem in any of these areas, it can lead to erectile dysfunction (ED).

Erectile dysfunction is very common and can be confused with other sexual problems. It can also be a warning sign of other health problems. Keep reading to find out what erectile dysfunction is, what it is not, and what to do about it.

Can erectile dysfunction come on suddenly?

No, erectile dysfunction does not happen suddenly. It’s normal to have erection problems from time to time, especially after drinking alcohol, stress, or relationship problems. However, when symptoms start to appear regularly within a few months, it can be a sign of erectile dysfunction.

At what age does erectile dysfunction usually start?

Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age, but erectile dysfunction is more common in older men. Up to 40% of men over 40 suffer from sexual dysfunction, and symptoms increase with age. In fact, erectile dysfunction can occur in up to 50% of men aged 50 and up to 70% by 70 years. If a man lives long enough, he is probably suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

There are many medical conditions that can lead to erectile dysfunction, so it is important to treat and manage them. These include:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Pelvic trauma, such as surgery or radiation therapy.

Lifestyle factors can also lead to erectile dysfunction and include lack of sleep, smoking, or excessive alcohol consumption.

Erectile dysfunction can also be a side effect of many medications, including conventional medications like high blood pressure medications, antidepressants called SSRIs, and stimulants like amphetamines.

More importantly, erectile dysfunction is also often associated with psychological factors, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Difficulties in the relationship
  • Stress

How do you know if it’s erectile dysfunction or something else?

Erectile dysfunction can sometimes be confused with other sexual problems. Sometimes they can occur at the same time as erectile dysfunction and can include:

Low libido means less interest in sexual intimacy.

Premature ejaculation when ejaculation occurs prematurely after penetration.

Delayed ejaculation, when ejaculation lasts a long time after penetration.

Anorgasmia when you cannot reach orgasm despite sufficient stimulation.

Erectile dysfunction can sometimes occur at the same time as these other conditions, but they are not the same. To get the right diagnosis and treatment, it’s important to talk to your healthcare professional about changes in libido, erectile relationships, and ejaculation problems.

While erectile dysfunction itself isn’t dangerous, it can be a warning sign for dangerous conditions like heart disease or diabetes. Nerve damage or plaque buildup can first affect the arteries and nerves in the penis, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. Be sure to talk to your health care provider about your risk of getting these underlying conditions.

How to treat erectile dysfunction

Treatment for erectile dysfunction can include lifestyle changes, medication, or psychotherapy. When underlying conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure contribute to erectile dysfunction, it is important that they are treated. Medications should also be checked to see if they can cause erectile dysfunction as a side effect. Psychotherapy can be helpful for psychological issues, such as anxiety or relationship issues.

Oral medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction include PDE5 inhibitors, which increase blood flow to the penis:

  • Sildenafil (Viagra)
  • Tadalafil (Cialis)
  • Vardenafil (Levitra)

If this is not a good option for you, there are other treatments like injections, suppositories, or penis pumps.


Erectile dysfunction is a common condition and can often overlap with other sexual or health problems. Erectile dysfunction involves recurring problems .